Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Meth & it's Darkside:

Seriously, yet honestly; the dark side of Methamphetamines is when the very moment it first gets into your soul, it starts to destroy all the connections to your ability to effectively reason, feel real emotions & make a moral decision with a conscience that knows the difference between right & wrong. The user/addict, who once functioned as a logical & loving human being before the Methamphetamines had gained control, now functions no more than an emotionless & programmed robot. In reality, Methamphetamines (Meth) definitely couldn't, doesn't & never will/shall care who it destroys & has this undeniably great ability to strip away every connection that attaches the conscience to every human being. Then & only then, can & does Meth transform a person to think, feel & behave in a cold & heartless fashion. But, this programming only lasts however long it takes for a fatal glitch to happen & then; all chaos breaks loose. Most of the Meth created robots either & up making their life an endless occupation as a prisoner in correction facilities, making a mental institution their lifetime homestead, or just simply become a recluse from all of society & pass on/die without ever knowing what life could have been like free from their addiction to Meth. Only the very few that somehow find that one last connection to their soul, will reach out & hold on to it for dear life. That is the moment, they can see how horrific their life has become & fight like hell to break free from Meth's control. For the ones that are successful in climbing their way out of the pit of darkness that Meth created for them to fall in, it can be a tremendous struggle to recover & heal. Every single day, hour, minute & even every single minute can seem so overwhelmingly difficult while learning to live without Meth. But, what happens in this process is the further destruction of Meth is halted & those once dead & dormant connections to the soul come alive & begin to function again as they get healed/progress through recovery. From the moment we are born, we learn how to eat, crawl, walk, speak, make logical decisions with good judgment & become loving & moral adults.

Honestly, I am convinced that Meth's destruction of one's soul, makes a person to have to go back as a newborn & theoretically be retrained all over again how to function normally. This can be so frustrating to the adult mind of the addict to have to go through this learning stage all over again. It would be so awesome if the moment one decides to stop using Meth, that every bit of it's destruction could magically disappear & instantly be healed. This is when you start to feel the harsh betrayal of Meth as you recall it's promise. A promise to always love you without end no matter if you turned you back on it or not. Anger, fury & dismay set in as you learn it was all a big lie. For Meth is like an abusing spouse, who fills your head & heart with sweet & wonderful intentions. Feeling much like a victim of domestic violence, you experience a sensation of drowning in the sea of hurt, confusion, guilt & depression. You keep saying to yourself over and over again, "I did everything my lover (Meth) wanted. I became everything Meth wanted me to be. I gave away everything important to me. I even gave up the person I was born to be & all the happiness & success I wanted for my life just so Meth could be my number one focus." It's only then that you start to question about where it all went wrong & slowly you begin to realize Meth was only using your trusting heart that was starved for love, affection & protection to lure you in to it's wicked, wide web of destruction. You ask yourself, "How stupid are you? How could you have been so blind? Why did you let yourself get caught up in Meth's lie in the first place?

Also not to mention, why oh why would you keep letting Meth treat you this way when you were on the losing end? Why did you not leave Meth before it had a chance to destroy you this much?" Remorse & feeling the shame of allowing yourself to stay locked up in Meth's abuse kicks in. You begin to feel mistrust of yourself to make healthy decisions & judgment's that help you pick a mate who will really love you like you deserve. A mate who has a moral foundation of honesty, a true desire to see you happy and full of joy, and an endless love that only seeks for ways to show you that you are important and worthy to be loved.